Renewables at the heart of the second week of the C-Lean Energy Academy
14 March 2022 - CorporateThe C-Lean Energy Academy, the training program created by Pietro Fiorentini in collaboration with MIP Politecnico di Milano to explore topics such as energy transition, sustainable innovation and Lean & Agile management application in dual organizational contexts, continues.
The second week took place between the 28th of February and the 4th of March, with lectures by teachers of MIP, talks by employees of Pietro Fiorentini and round tables attended by experts and top managers from international companies increasingly involved in the energy transition and in the creation of more sustainable organizational models.
Professor Davide Chiaroni, Scientific Director of the course, explained: “The C-Lean Energy Academy is a unique project that involves students who have just chosen which areas to specialize in. It is a pathway to excellence where students from different specializations can meet each other and with managers from the main companies on the national scene, including Pietro Fiorentini, and gain new knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the energy transition.”
Hydrogen, power-to-gas, biogas, infrastructure management, smart metering and digital energy were the main protagonists of the five study days of this second week. They were key moments to analyze existing solutions and technologies, projects and investments underway in Italy, applications and technical-economic performance, and the existing regulatory frameworks. Much space was dedicated to considerations about the potential impacts on current infrastructures, on the business models to be developed and on the barriers that might arise with the diffusion of new technologies.
Luigi Vigone, Business Development and Smart Projects Portfolio Leader at Pietro Fiorentini, added: “The last day of this second week, we presented concrete cases of smart meter supplies where our Company acted as a consultant to customers and prospects during the realization of cost and benefit analysis. Fundamental tools for all stakeholders, the cost-benefit analysis allowed us to share with the students the economic aspects related to the sustainability of the network digitalization processes.”
The third week will be in June, and it will focus on management, innovation and personnel development methods. The course will end with the student’s final project works on topics related to energy transition, Lean & Agile Management and ESG sustainability.
We would like to thank all those who have contributed their expertise and experience to the C-Lean Energy Academy, in particular the teachers of MIP, the employees of Pietro Fiorentini and Terranova and the external guests:
- Marco De Paolis, Hydrogen Valley Development Manager at Snam
- Giuseppe Dasti, Head of the Energy & Utilities desk in the Sales & Marketing Department of Intesa Sanpaolo
- Alfredo Di Caro, Founding Partner of EPQ
- Giulia Ardito, Consultant at Cesi
- Simone Autuori, CEO of VEOS
- Federica Carnicelli, Strategy Analyst of Edison
- Nunzio Ferulli, Director of Institutional and Regulatory Affairs at Italgas and Chairman of Italgas Reti
- Luca Marchisio, Head of Strategy at Terna
- Ignace De Franqueville, VP Energy Efficiency Services of Metron
- Luca Bonzagni, CEO of Energy Intelligence