SSM-Aquo, flow digitalisation with ultrasonic water meters
While mechanical water meters measure the volume of water used by end-users in an analogue way and give very limited information focused on consumption, subject to continuous wear of moving parts, ultrasonic water meters do wear-free static ultrasonic metering, providing useful real-time flow rate information in an accurate way by means of an integrated remote reading module.
SSM Aquo Ultrasonic smart water meters advantages
SSM-Aquo, with a compact design and brass connector, provides reliable and accurate integrated telemetry with a wide range of measurements over a variety of communication protocols that helps to reduce unaccounted-for water loss, either by early detection of leaks or potential fraud.
The SSM-Aquo integrated telemetry offers the same high accuracy throughout its lifetime, up to 13 years guaranteed under normal conditions of use, with a minimum margin of error.
SSM-Aquo ultrasonic smart water meters, with brass connector, and nominal diameter range from DN15 to DN40.

SSM-Aquo ultrasonic smart water meters, designed for the residential sector, offer a number of advantages over traditional mechanical metering:
- U-shaped ultrasonic meter
- higher accuracy due to static metering technology, with no moving parts subject to wear and tear
- reduced risk of misreading
- automated processes
- remote reading capability with different communication protocols: wM-Bus, 2/4/5G, LoraWan or NB-IoT transmission models
- effective detection of very low flow rates, no consumption, bursts and reverse flows
- compact design thanks to integrated communication module
- warnings and alarms to help detect potential leaks
- extended lifetime: up to 13 years of operation guaranteed under normal conditions of use
Pietro Fiorentini SSM-Aquo ultrasonic smart water meters technical features

If you need further details, download Pietro Fiorentini’s water meters catalogue.
SSM Aquo M-Bus + LoRaWAN product sheet