Serving renewables
Power-to-gas (P2G) transforms surplus electricity into green molecules that can be transported over long distances at low cost with less and less leakage. At the same time, it offers the option of seasonal storage for renewable energy, to be used at times when demand is highest.
MicroPyros BioEnerTec, a biotechnology company of the Pietro Fiorentini Group, is one of only three companies in the world capable of applying organic methanisation to industrial processes.
Using the wastewater present as nutrients for microorganisms, it captures the carbon dioxide released in the methanisation phase. It is one of the most promising sources related to the conversion of energy into gas (Power-to-gas).
Cases of successful projects
Pietro Fiorentini’s commitment to the development of power-to-gas solutions is reflected in cutting-edge projects in Italy and Europe, leading the company to establish itself as a reliable technology partner in the field of energy transition.
Power-to-gas technology exploits the phenomenon of electrolysis: excess renewable electric energy from wind farms, photovoltaic fields and electrical infrastructure congestion is used to break the bonds of the water molecules and produce hydrogen, which can be upgraded on site or transported to other places.
80 years of experience in processing natural gas combined with our commitment to the process of decarbonisation has driven us to develop complete solutions ranging from power-to-methane, to convert electricity into green gas compatible with the relevant infrastructure, to biological methanation plants.