Pietro Fiorentini Iberia wishes you Happy Holidays
22 December 2022 - CorporatePietro Fiorentini Iberia celebrates its first Christmas and, consequently, lives it with the excitement and illusion of a child.
The Pietro Fiorentini Iberia team would like to thank our customers for their trust and wishes them a prosperous year 2023. We are also grateful for the strong support and trust of our parent company, Pietro Fiorentini.
In turn, the management of Pietro Fiorentini Iberia values the daily efforts of its team and would like to thank each and every one of its members for the enthusiasm and commitment they have put into the Pietro Fiorentini Iberia project.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform our customers that due to the Christmas holiday time, Pietro Fiorentini Iberia will not be making deliveries between the 2nd and 5th of January.
Christmas greetings.